Advancing disability rights and leadership globally®

Statistics: International Students who Use Disability Services Report Satisfaction

Four international students

When it comes to supporting international students with disabilities studying in the United States, how are we doing?

Seven percent of the international students to the U.S. said they use disability services, according to i-graduate’s International Student Barometer.

The majority (89%) of these students reported they are satisfied with overall learning, living, and support services overseas. This is similar as other USA-destination international students in the survey who do not use disability services (90%).

They also report a satisfaction rating of 96% with health centers, 95% with counseling services, 94% with disability support, and 92% with learning support while in the United States.

International students in the U.S. who use disability services are least satisfied with housing costs (72%) and living costs (79%) and with financial support (74%) and earning money (72%), though are more satisfied (by 9-15%) when compared to other international students at U.S. universities in the survey. They also are more satisfied (over 10% greater) with making friends in the U.S. on arrival and catering (food services).

Students with disabilities worldwide who are trying to decide what country to choose for their higher education degree, can find some useful information from this survey.

Among students who use disability services and are studying outside their home countries, those studying in the United States rated higher their satisfaction with the majority of the categories, especially the following:

  • Overall living and support (2% higher) and overall learning (1%)
  • Health centers (4% higher), counseling service (3%), learning support (3%), and disability support (1%)
  • Teaching opportunities for graduates (13% higher), work experience (6%), careers advice (6%), and chance to earn money (6%)
  • Living costs (10% higher), financial support (9%), housing costs (8%), sports facilities (7%), Internet access (7%), and setting up a bank account on arrival (7%).

The only areas where the U.S. rated less satisfaction included: registration for classes on arrival (5% lower), feeling safe and secure (-3%), transportation links to other places (-3%), good surroundings off-campus (-2%), and studying and making friends with people from other cultures (-1%).

This information is from i-graduate’s International Student Barometer 2015, a globally benchmarked study of international students.
The survey included 992 international students to the U.S. who use disability services. Comparison groups included about 6,400 international students who use disability services studying in other countries and about 12,900 international students in the U.S. who do not use disability services.

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