WILD will bring the next cohort of women with disabilities, emerging leaders from Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Eurasia, Latin America and the Middle East, to Eugene, Oregon, in Summer 2025 for a 3-week intensive leadership training program.
WILD delegates break down preconceived barriers of what is possible. In workshops, site visits and team-building activities, disabled women tackle challenges, build skills and generate ideas for improving the lives of women and girls with disabilities.
Your generous contribution to WILD will fund participant scholarships, interactive workshops, language translation, travel expenses and more, so that the next cohort of disabled women leaders can access this life-changing program.
WILD is conducted in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, American Sign Language (with Certified Deaf Interpreters) and other languages as possible.
WILD women are selected for their activism, leadership potential, community ties, passion and creative ideas. They are women with visual, hearing, physical, psychosocial, learning, intellectual, health and other disabilities.
WILD women are from diverse backgrounds; they represent different cultures, ethnicities, and professions. They are agents of change in their communities, addressing critical issues, such as youth leadership, reproductive health, education, economic empowerment, HIV/AIDS and gender-based violence.
All of the WILD women are passionate about paving the way for young disabled woman and girls – and many focus their community projects on empowering girls with disabilities to reach for the highest dreams and aspirations.
The impact of WILD is clear. WILD alumni go on to serve as ministers in presidential cabinets, CEOs of their own organizations, teachers, athletes and doctoral students; they are passing new national disability rights legislation, running for office, and changing the status quo. Loud, Proud and Passionate!® is the battle cry of women who are changing the world.
As part of our WILD 2025 fundraising campaign, we invite you to watch this special video message from WILD alumna Ramatu Princess Kanu from Sierra Leone. Princess shares how the WILD program changed her life. As Executive Director of an organization she founded after WILD, she is now leading critically-important work in her community to address issues of sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence for women and girls with disabilities.
With your support, we can build an even larger pipeline of women leaders to reach the critical mass needed for social change.